Hi guys! Thanks so much for visiting.
I know this blog is a lot less convenient to visit than my page on facebook. After a lot of consideration, I decided I'd prefer to visit with friends using this connection instead. I hope you will all stop by once in a while and say hi. I plan on sharing pictures, stories, news, whatever, but all here instead of the social networking site that has taken over the world. I'm not a fan of facebook drama, but even more I'm opting out of allowing my personal information to be secretly shared by the company. I'm very thankful to those who kept alerting me to the changes facebook makes behind our backs, but I'm deciding not to try to keep up anymore.
With that said, I realize I probably won't be able to keep in touch with as many people as I did on facebook, so I thank all of you who do come and visit!
FLM Quick Loans has figured out how to serve its clients with an in number money related backing, frequently around the same time the forthcoming client has connected.